*We partnered with Simfler Inc. on this post and it has been sponsored in compliance with FTC requirements. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Being a new parent is a hard job! I remember when I was a new parent – everything seemed so complicated and there were so many things to keep in mind. I did note down the most important milestones in a baby book but didn’t keep much track on the daily activities and routines.

And now, when my daughter is asking about the things we did when she was a baby, I can’t look it up. I really wish I would have written down more information about our daily doings.

So today I wanted to introduce you to a baby app called BabyTime, that lets you save all the information about your baby or toddler in one place and also share it with your family, nanny or people you want to share it with.


BabyTime app was created by parents who wanted to get a better a better sense of why their newborn was crying. They were keeping a baby book, but in the end of the day some things were forgotten and it took a lot of time to note down all the daily activities. So, dad decided to create an app where mom could record all baby’s activity with just a touch of a button.

Let’s take a look at the main features of BabyTime app!

Record Activities

Among other activities, you can record your baby’s sleeping, eating and bath times, breastfeeding info, diaper changes and the medicine your baby has taken or has to take. You can even set reminders to give your baby medicine at the appropriate times It’s also possible to track the activity time and duration, add images and quick memos so that you can record every detail you are interested in.


Sync with other Caregivers

Whenever you have to leave your child in the care of grandparents, friends, nanny or your siblings, you can share all the information needed with them. Forget to note down the daily routine on paper, thanks to BabyTime app you can sync the routine info with any caregiver. Also, they can record all the activity while taking care of the baby and you can see in real time how your baby is doing  -Record together with your spouse, babysitter, nanny, grandparents, and other caregivers.


If you are a graph person like me, you’ll really enjoy this feature! All the activities you record on the app will automatically transform into beautiful and straightforward graphs! The app also calculates total count, duration and the average of every activity recorded!



The diary feature gives you a possibility to write day-to-day diary entries of unforgettable moments with your baby! You can also see diary entries of other dads and moms in BabyTime’s community!


Here you can regularly record your baby’s height, weight, and head circumference and see it turned into a growth curve to analyze how your baby is growing. All this information is shareable with other community members and if you want, you can also check and compare how other babies are growing.



To keep all your information safe and accessible from different devices, all recorded activities get stored in BabyTime’s cloud server. All your data can be restored again by simply logging in.


What I really like about this app is that you can use just the features that you are interested in – simply track sleep, feeding, and nappy changes or use this app as a kind of baby book by recording medical data, growth charts, add images and milestones. The app even lets you rearrange activity icons depending on how frequently you use them.

BabyTime is currently available for iOS user only but Simfler is planning to release the Android version globally in the beginning of next year.

You can find more information about BabyTime App on Simfler’s website or on Facebook.