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Grandparents deserve special holiday gifts that display all our love & appreciation for them. Whether it’s your children’s grandparents or your own, grandma & grandpa are easy to shop for – as long as you use your heart as a guide.

Some of the most meaningful presents I ever gifted were to my grandparents, a wonderful couple who loved me and raised me like a daughter, so this gift guide takes up a special place in my heart. I featured some of the gifts I gave them throughout the years, all of which they still use. 🙂

With that in mind, here are our favorite heartfelt gifts for grandma & grandpa:

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Heartwarming sayings on card & locket set. Gift Guide: Gifts for Grandparents @HomeLifeAbroad.com #holidaygiftguide #gifts #grandparents #grandma #grandpaThese beautiful card & locket combinations from A Touch of Dazzle take the first place in our gift guide for their thoughtful and heartwarming sayings. What grandma would not be filled with joy from such a loving gift?

Grandmas can wear the beautiful locket necklace with the engraved saying and enclosed cute, little charms. The artist-designed card is empty on the inside so you can write a personalized message for mom, grandma or your mother-in-law.

We loved the heartfelt card/locket combos from A Touch of Dazzle – take a look at our feature displaying them in more detail. <3

The cards & lockets are available with the following 3 sayings:

– “The best thing about having you as my Mom is my kids having you as a Grandma”
– “What Mom knows best, Grandma knows better”
– “If I didn’t have you as a mom I’d choose you as a friend”


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Blurb photo books. Gift Guide: Heartwarming Gifts for Grandparents @HomeLifeAbroad.com #holidaygiftguide #gifts #grandparents #grandma #grandpaBlurb’s personalized book gifts were a 2014 Christmas Gift Guide feature, but we love their products so much, that we had to feature them again. This year, Ave created a photo album book of her little Sofia, from birth until her cute, current self. You can take a peek at her book & review here.

With tens of choices and options for customization, Blurb can make a wonderful gift for anyone by immortalizing those special moments. They offer a range of options from hardcover coffee table books to small paperback books, so they can fit into any budget. Photos can be uploaded or taken from Instagram and Facebook, making the book creation very easy. The program is drag-and-drop and can be used by anyone with basic computer skills.

Blurb makes it easy to create printed photo books of your family for the beloved grandparents. <3


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Imprint a drawing on jewelry. Gift Guide: Heartwarming Gifts for Grandparents @HomeLifeAbroad.com #holidaygiftguide #gifts #grandparents #grandma #grandpaIf you’re looking for a personalized, unique gift item for grandma, how about immortalizing their grandchild’s art forever? We love the idea of asking the grandchild to draw a cute drawing for grandma & grandpa. Then, you simply send the doodle over to Metalmorphis and they will imprint it into a beautiful fine silver pendant.

It’s a whole new spin on the locket, giving grandma & grandpa the chance to wear a drawing by their grandchild as jewelry. You can preserve the grandchildren’s artwork forever and grandparents can treasure it.

It’s the perfect gift for both parents and grandparents!


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Digital frame. Gift Guide: Heartwarming Gifts for Grandparents @HomeLifeAbroad.com #holidaygiftguide #gifts #grandparents #grandma #grandpaThis digital frame is actually a gift I gave my own grandparents a few years back and they love it! My grandparents have 5 children and 10 grandchildren. That means that they have far more pictures to put up on display than available wall space. As soon as I saw this digital photo frame, I knew they had to have it.

All you have to do is add pictures to the digital frame and it will scroll through them all on its own, creating a ‘living’ picture frame that can display hundreds of pictures. It can also access pictures on Facebook and other social media accounts. Plus, whenever my family has new pics to upload, they can do so easily from all corners of the world by using an app or email.

Now grandma & grandpa don’t miss any of our milestones. 🙂


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Interchangeable art frames. Gift Guide: Heartwarming Gifts for Grandparents @HomeLifeAbroad.com #holidaygiftguide #gifts #grandparents #grandma #grandpaGrandma & grandpa are about to open their art gallery!

These shadowboxes can feature an ever-changing display of grandchildren’s artwork, making it easy to add the artwork to the wall. Just place the drawing within the shadowbox and just like that, your little ones will see their doodles & art on display.

The shadowboxes double as a filing cabinet as well, holding up to 50 pieces of heartfelt kid art behind the featured image. All you have to do to feature another piece is grab it and place it forward. It’s a great way to ensure that all the little ones’ art is represented and displayed.

The art frames are sold separately or in groups, as well as in different sizes.


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What was the best gift you ever gave to grandparents? Tell us below!