If you have decided to move abroad with your partner or spouse, you may find that this decision will bring about a whole new set of challenges for your relationship. When living abroad, you will no longer have the same home comforts that you’ve been used to, for example having family and friends close by.

Along with that, moving abroad can often cause a significant shift in your lifestyle, and you may need to find a new job or retrain to work in a different career, find somewhere to live, and perhaps even learn a new language – all of which can cause some stress and anxiety which will create strain in your relationship.

If you’re planning to relocate with your partner or spouse and want to ensure that your relationship stays strong, we’ve put together some tips that you may like.


Getting Support

Moving abroad can be exciting, but it can also be a hugely stressful decision that can really take it out of even the most stable of couples. Being aware that your decision to relocate could cause stress and anxiety which could affect your relationship as a couple.

Seek help from a marriage/relationship therapist or counselor, who you can turn to in order to help you both deal with any stress or problems caused by the move effectively.

Making Time for Each Other

One of the biggest mistakes that many couples make when moving abroad is getting too caught up in the move and neglecting to spend enough time with each other. Remember that when you move to another country, you will often be leaving your friends and family behind, and without them, you may both find that living abroad can be lonely. Because of this, it’s vital to make sure that you keep up any dates and activities that you both enjoyed doing together back at home when you move abroad.

Taking the time to organize dinner dates, visiting events together or even being tourists in your new country can be very effective when it comes to keeping your relationship strong.

Making New Friends

Often, couples who move abroad find that when relationship problems arise, they don’t have any friends or family in the area who they can go and see for support and advice. For couples who are relocating, ensuring that each partner makes an effort to meet new people, make new friends and do things as individuals is just as important as ensuring that you spend quality time together.

Meeting new people will help you both to build up an individual support network in your new home and prevent you from being too reliant on one another for support.

For those who are relocating to another country with their spouse or partner, it’s vital to ensure that they put in the effort to keep the relationship strong throughout the changes.

*The unedited couple on the floor image is designed by Freepik.