12 Things that Make me Happy @homelifeabroad.com #happy

I’ve been really down lately… You can see why in my last post. 🙁 It’s been a rough two weeks, but I wanted to remind myself what makes me happy. I really need some happiness and positivism in my life right now.

So, here are a few things that make me happy:

  • The feeling of lying down in bed and stretching my legs after a long day.
  • Finding the exact snack I had a craving for.
  • Laughing so hard that I start crying.
  • Being complimented on my dancing at a club.
  • Waking up and knowing that I can stay in bed because I don’t have any plans or work.
  • The excitement of figuring things out
  • Having a no-frizz day.
  • The feeling of taking my bra off at the end of the day – even if it is a super comfy one from knix.com
  • Fresh sheets on the bed.
  • Taking a bite of delicious lemon meringue pie.
  • Finding a new TV show that I enjoy.
  • Cooking something that turns out delicious.

What makes YOU happy? Tell me below!