You may all know Shakira as her “new” version – the blonde, pole dancing, ultra-sexualized pop singer.

But we Latin Americans – nope. We Latinos know Shakira for who she was prior to her desire to make it big in the US and worldwide – the dark haired beauty who wrote extremely romantic, heartfelt and sometimes darker music with beautiful lyrics.


That is not to say that she no longer writes songs like these – she still writes beautiful, poetic lyrics for her Spanish songs but she only really produces poppish, sexual, fun songs in English. You are all missing out on some of her most beautiful songs and lyrics.

Fret not! You’re about to be introduced to a few examples of her best lyrics and songs. Some of her writing talents is unfortunately lost in translation but you can still see just how good she is. 🙂



I dedicated this song to a long-gone ex-boyfriend. This is one of Shakira’s most painful songs, a post-breakup song possibly inspired by her long lasting ex-boyfriend of 11 years after their break up which resulted in a bunch of lawsuits and theft by the ex.

My fave parts:

  • A play on words of the verb “esperar” which she used very elegantly: “Espero que no esperes que te espere” = I hope you don’t expect me to wait. One word, 3 meanings. 🙂
  • “No hables en plural. La retórica es tu arma más letal.” = Don’t speak in plural. Rhetoric is your most lethal weapon.
  • “No se puede vivir con tanto veneno” – One cannot live with so much venom.



A beautiful song showing appreciation to one of her first loves.

My fave parts:

  • “Para amarte necesito una razon y es dificil creer que no exista una mas que este amor” = To love you, I need a reason and it’s hard to believe that none exists aside from this love.
  • “Porque todo el tiempo que pase junto a ti, dejo tejido su hilo dentro de mi” = Because all the time I spent next to you, you left your thread woven within me.
  • “Y aprendi a quitarle al tiempo los segundos” = And I learned how to remove seconds from time.


“Antes de las Seis”

A song about the feelings going through her head when the relationship is failing and her partner seems to be walking away.

My fave parts:

  • “Si te mostré pedazos de piel que la luz del sol aún no toca.” = I showed you pieces of skin that even sunlight has yet to touch.
  • “Si me ves desarmada por que lanzas tus misiles” = If you see me unarmed, why do you launch your missiles?


“Dia de Enero”

A song to her long-term ex that I mentioned in the first song, back when things were going well for them. The lyrics are less impressive here but it’s a sweet song.

My fave parts:

  • “Voy a curarte el alma en duelo” = I will heal your mourning soul.


La Pared

Love is an obsession, and this song shows just how obsessed we can get by devoting ourselves completely to our partner.

My fave parts:

  • “Eres la enfermedad y el enfermero” = You are the sickness and the nurse.
  • “Y el deseo gira en espiral” = and the desire spirals.


“La Tortura”

This is my all-time favorite song and video of Shakira’s because a) I love Alejandro Sanz and b) the song fun and I enjoy dancing to it. It’s about the man cheating and the woman saying she won’t take him back

My fave parts:

  • “No puedo pedirle lo eterno a un simple mortal” = I can’t ask eternity of a simple mortal. (She is referring to the fact that you can’t change a person, and you can’t change a cheater)
  • “Si lloras con los ojos secos” = If you cry with dry eyes.

Did you know this side of Shakira? Let us know your thoughts below!